ART. 1º - Of the Organizers

1.1 - These rules specify the terms and condition of the LACCI-WMU International Orchestral Conductin Competition in Córdoba - Argentina, hereinafter called the Competition.

1.2 - Date of the Contest: it will be held from february 19 to 24, 2024.

1.3 - Place: Teatro del Libertador General San Martín - Córdoba - Argetina.

1.4 - This International Contest is organized by LACCI - WMU (World Mission University, Los Angeles, CA, United States), hereinafter referred to as the Organizer.

1.5 - The Organizer disassociates, partially and totally, from all responsibility, the Córdoba Culture Agency of Córdoba, the Teatro del Libertador General San Martín and the Córdoba Simphony Orchestra.

ART. 2º

2.1 - This Contest is aimed at directors- hereinafter referred to as Candidates - of all nationalities, who are over 18 years of age, and who meet the condition described in these Bases.

2.2 - Registration Period: September 1 - September 30, 2023.

2.3 - The conditions to participate in thes Contest are:

Submit an application in accordance with the provisions of point 2 Section 2.1 and 2.2 and complete the Registration form. 

- Curriculum Vitae (in spanish or english).

- Copy of ID/passport in force.

- An update photograph.

- Video Link (Candidates must submit 1-2 Youtube links with their videos)

   a) In no case the total duration of the video may exceed 15 minutes.

   b) The audiovisual recording will be that of a rehearsal or concert with an orchestra, string orchestra or symphonic band conducted by the candidates.

2.4 - At the time of registration, the candidates must deposit 50 USD (fifty US dollars) in the following bank account: 

(((Por ejemplo…Adana Filamoni Dernegi,

Cuenta USD de AKBANKIBAN: TR49 0004 6002 4900 1000 0668 24

Código Swift: AKBKTRIS))) 

2.5 - The registration request must include the name and surname of the applicant and the receipt of payment of the registration fee.

IMPORTANT The money is not refundable.

ART.3º -  Candidate Selection Process

3.1 - Among all the registered applicants, who have completed articles 1 and 2, 30 candidates will be select ed. The organizers will notify the individual of the acceptance via email.

Notice: the jury will judge by curriculum and video. Keep in mind that the videos are more important than the CV.

3.2 - The fact of sending the request is equivalent to the approval of these Bases.

3.3 - Incomplete application, as well as applications that do not meet the conditions specified above, eill not be examined.

 In particular:

a) the Organizer is not required to submit an additional request for missing details. 

b) In such cases, the registration fee will not be refunded. 

c) The applicant is not entitled to any claim in this regard.

3.4 - The jury is made up of Directors from the United States, Korea, Venezuela, Switzerland, Colombia and Bulgaria.

3.5 - The Organizer will not return the documents and recordings sent with the applications; however, within 14 days after the completion of the qualifications to the Contest, the candidates who have not been qualified have the right to request the Organizer to return the application documents. After this period, the documents will be destroyed.

Art. 4º Of the selected Contestants

4.1 - The applications will be evaluated by the Qualification Committee, which consists of distinguished directors from Korea and the USA. The Qualification Committee will qualify no more than 30 candidates and above - the Contestants among the application sent to the contest and will draw up a list of 10 candidates as reserve contestants.

4.2 - The decisions of the Qualification Committee will be final and unappealable.

4.3 - The registration fee paid by the Contestants who are not qualified to participate in the Contest will not be refunded. (LACCI -WMU International Competition).

4.4 - The list of Contestants classified to the Contest and reserve Contestants will be communicated on October 10, 2023 through the Contest website.

4.5 - Having received notice of their classification for the Contest, the Contestants will be obliged to pay a fee in the amount of U$D 200 (Two hundred American Dollars) or its equivalent expressed in Argentine pesos according to the average exchange rate of Banco Nacional Argentina on the date of payment.

4.6 - The fees must be paid before October 25, 2023 in the bank account specified in the ART. 2nd, inc. 2.4.

4.7 - The failure to exevute the payment within the indicated period will be equivalent to the resignation of the Contestant to participate in the Contest.

4.8 - In case of resignation of a qualified Contestant to the Contest, the Organizer reserves the right to  add a name from the reserve list to the list of Contestants, observing the order of the reserve Contestants.

ART. 5º Stages of the Contest

5.1 - 1st Stage

It will take place on Monday, February 19, 2024.

  • At 10 am the repertoire works will be raffled and the Contest will begin with the first 15 contestants and al 1:00 pm the remaining 15 contestants.
  • Place: Teatro del Libertador San Martín - rehearsal room - 5th floor.
  • Each contestant will have 10 minutes to direct the raffled work.
  • Announcement of approved contestants at 4:00 pm on the same day.
  • 12 candidates will go to the next stage.

5.2 - 1st Stage Repertoire

With String Orchestra:

  • Bartok Divertimento 1st. mov
  • Tchaikovsky´s Serenade Op. 48 1st mov.
  • Serenade Dvorak 3rd mov.
  • Tchaikovsky´s Serenade Op.48 - 4th mov.
  • Tchaikovsky Souvenir from Florence op 70 - 1st mov.

5.3 - 2nd Stage: February 20 and 21 at 10 am

  • 6 candidates on Tuesday and 6 candidates on Wednesdy. 
  • After the draw for the repertoire work of the 12 candidates, the contest begins according to the established order, together with the Orchestra.
  • Place: Teatro del Libertador San Martín - rehearsal room - 5th floor.
  • Each contestant will direct for 20 minutes.
  • From this stage, 6 contestants will be selected who will go to the Semifinal stage.

5.4 - 2nd Stage Repertoire

  • Beethoven´s Eggment Overture.
  • Mozart´s Magic Flute Overture.
  • Beethoven´s Coriolan overture.
  • Verdi Nabuco Overture

5.5 - 3rd Stage - Semifinal - February 22 and 23

  • 3 semifinalists on Thursday and 3 semifinalists on Friday at 10:00 am. 
  • Draw of the order of competition and the works for the 6 candidates. 
  • Draw fo the groups A.B.C.
  • Venue: Rehearsal room on the 5th floor next to the orchestra.
  • The 6 semifinalists will be given the scores of the work Mbokapú Fanfare for orchestra by Mtro. Luis Szarán. 
  • Each semifinalist will conduct for 45 minutes.
  • On February 23 at 4:00pm the announcement of the 3 finalists will be made.

5.6 - Semifinals Repertoire

Group A

  • Dvorak Symphony Nº 8 - 4th mov.
  • Mbokapu Fanfare for orchestra by Luis Szaran (5 minutes).

Group B

  • Dvorak Symphony Nº9 1st mov.
  • Mbokapu Fanfare for orchestra by Luis Szaran (5 minutes)

Group C

  • Tchaikovsky Symphony Nº4 - 1st mov.
  • Mbokapú, fanfare for Luis Szaran Orchestra (5 minutes)

5.7 - Finals: Rehearsal February 24 at 11 am

  • The rehearsals of the 3 finalists will be held together with the orchestra starting at 11:00 am.
  • Location: Sala Mayor - Teatro del Libertador San Martín. 
  • Each finalist will have 45 minutes to rehearse with the Orchestra.
  • The finalists will have the same repertoire of the 3rd stage - Semifinal.
  • On February 24, at 8:00 pm, the 3 finalists, together with the Córdoba Symphony Orchestra, will perform in the Sala Mayor of the Theater and will be judged by the jury present.
  • Winners will be announced and awarded, and certificates will be a warded to all participants of the day. 

ART. 6º

6.1 - The presence of the Contestants during the draw is mandatory.

6.2 - In case of confirmed foruitous events (such as traffic dalays that prevent a Contestant from arriving on time, or an illness confirmed by the Contest´s medical service), the Contestant may obtain permission, as an exception, to postpone their performance. Beyond the specified order of performances to the end of auest. The final decision on the change of order will be made by the Competition Director.

6.3 - The Organizer will not cover travel expenses of the Contestant.

6.4 - See if you can make an agreement with hotels

6.5 - The Organizer will not medate in the procedure for obtaining visas by the Contestants; however, at the request of individual Contestants, the Organizer will issue and send a certificate confirming the Contestant´s qualification to participates in the Competition.

6.6 - The Contestants are obliged to be covered by medical insurance during the time of their stay in Argentina in relation to the Contest.

6.7 - All the sanitary and epidemiological rules and restriction in force during the competition will be implemented continuously to guarantee compliance with the updated regulation in force withing the territory of the Argentine Republic during the Competition. The Organizer will disclose all the information in thes regard and each Contestant will be obliged to read it and adhere to it. In the event that the Competitor infringes any legal norm in this regard, the Organizer will not be responsible.

 ART. 7º

7.1 - The Contestants will conduct the Symphony Orchestra of Córdoba - Argentina.

7.2 - The Organizer will not provide Contestants with sheet music (musical scores). Only the contestants who are semifinalists will be given a copy of the work "Mbokapú" fanfare for orchestra by Mtro. Luis Szarán.

7.3 - The Organizer will not held responsible for any violation of third party copyrights by any Contestant who uses their own sheet music.

Art. 8º - Awards

1st. place

  • U$D 1000 (American dollars cash).
  • Invitation to conduct the Córdoba Symphony Orchestra (2024 season).
  • Invitation to conduct the Asunción Symphony Orchestra. (2024 season).

2nd place

  • U$D 800 (American dollars cash).

3rd place

  • U$D 500 (American dollars cash).

4th to 6th place


ART. 9º Of the Jury

9.1 The Competition Jury will be made up of distinguished musicians from Korea, the US and Latin America.

9.2 - The composition of the Jury will be made public prior to the start of the Contest.

9.3 - The internal rules that will govern the work of the Jury will be defined in the first meeting of the Juries, prior to the start of the auditions.

9.4 - Jury evaluations are confidential.

9.5 - The verdicts of the Jury are irrevocable and unappealable.

ART. 10º

10.1 - Each Contestant allows the Organizer to make audiovisual recordings of their:

  • performances of the works at each stage of the Competition (and during the Laureates Concert).
  • your image.
  • statements and interviews granted during the Contest and the Concert of the Laureates.

10.2 - The Contestant transfers to the Organizer all rights of property and related to the recorded performances (audiovisual recordings) of the works presented during the Contest (and during the Concerts of the Laureates) and the works statements and interviews made by the Contestant, as well as allows the Organizer to broadcast your recorded image in connection with your participation in the Competition and in the Concerts of the Laureates.

10.3 - The Contestant allows the Organizer to use his performances in the Contest, interviews, statements and images, both in whole and in parts, to adapt, shorten redo and translate said material, without authorization, and declares that such use will not be considered as a violation of the Contestant´s reputation.

10.4 - The Contestant transfers to the Organizer the right to grant exclusive permission, unlimited in terms of time and territory, to exercise derivative copyrights on the works referred to in ART.10 subsections 10.1 and 10.2; in particular, the Contestant allows the Organizer to make available and use compilations of the work, including translations thereof into other languages. The contestant further agrees not to take a my action to limit this right in the future.

10.5 - The contestant allows the Organizer to exercise their personal rights related to the performances of the works presented during the Contest (and the concert of the Laureates).

10.6 - The transfer of copyright and property rights referred to in Art.10 subsections 10.1 to 10.5 is unlimited in terms of time and territory and includes all fields of exploitation, in particular:

a) Recording and reproduction of the work, making copies of the work by any technique, including printing, reprography, magnetic recording and digital technique, storage in computer memory.

b) Any form of distribution of the original work or copies of the same referred to in Art. 10 subsection 10.6 letter a), in particular the commercialization, the loan for its use or the lease.

c) Each type of broadcast, in particular live broadcasts and all types of transmissions, including wired and wireless audio and visual transmissions, by terrestrial stations, mediated by a satellite, as well as publication (including transmission technology ) on the internet, on other computer, cable, telecommunications or multimedia networks.

d) All kinds of making available to the public to allow everyone to have access to the subjects of the rights in the place and time selected by them.

e)All Kinds of public broadcasts, exhibitions, performances, staging.

10.7 - The assignment of the rights listed in Art. 10 covers all material recorded during Competition and the Laureates Concerts and is free.

10.8 - The Organizer has the right to unlimitedly dispose of the rights referred to in Art. 10, in particular to transfer said right to other entities, and the Contestant is not entitled to receive any remuneration for this concept.